Monday, April 26, 2010


Welcome to our New Blog!

The 212th Pathfinder unit is a group of teenage Girl Guides who are very busy working on their Pathfinder program, camping and getting ready to attend a large international camp being held in Guelph Ontario this summer.


  1. Hi my name is Chyanne i am from the 2nd Alberta Lones guides i am visiting her for my Lady BP award i really like the blog i am going to join the 5th lone pathfinders next spring. love the videos oh and this is my first visit.Hope your camp was good and had a great time. and hope to visit again. BYE


  2. Thanks for checking out our blog Chyanne!
    We had a blast at camp, met Girl Guides from all over including Africa, USA, UK, and many other places. We even met a lone pathfinder from Alberta:)
    We will be adding more to the the blog in the fall when we start meeting again and hope that you check it out and that you keep in contact with us, the girls in my unit would love to hear about what you do as a Lone Pathfinder.
    Yours in Guiding
    Guider Alicia
