Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day of Remembrance and Action

The girls have been working on several areas of the program related to well being and citizenship over the past few weeks and some parts dealt with Canadian citizenship rights, relationships values and choices, dating violence and the special violence against women's challenges. Please see the newer edition of the program book pages 61, 58-59, 191-193 and page 123 to see some of the topics we have been discussing. 

The last section of this page has links to PDFs with information and  the requirements for the challenge program we are using.

This year Girl Guides of Canada is supporting the campaign 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence.   Please visit this link for more information. We will not be focusing on the extension materials.

As part of the Citizenship Certificate the girls are required to attend two different types of ceremonies over their three years in Pathfinders.  Prior to the ceremony they need to learn about the significance of the ceremony and why it is celebrated. We did this preparation prior to the Remembrance Day ceremony and we have also done preparation for the Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

We would like as many people from our unit as possible to attend the Sunrise Service at the legislature.  The ceremony is fairly short and very meaningful. The girls should be able to get to school close to 9 am.

Here is information from the Government's Status of Women website.

National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada. Established in 1991 by the Parliament of Canada, this day marks the anniversary of the murders in 1989 of 14 young women at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. They died because they were women.
As well as commemorating the 14 young women whose lives ended in an act of gender-based violence that shocked the nation, December 6 represents an opportunity for Canadians to reflect on the phenomenon of violence against women in our society. It is also an opportunity to consider the women and girls for whom violence is a daily reality, and to remember those who have died as a result of gender-based violence. And finally, it is a day on which communities can consider concrete actions to eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

The following is copied from a poster for this year's Manitoba Ceremony


to commemorate Canada’s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

  • Thursday, December 6, 2012
  • Manitoba Legislative Building
  • 8:00 a.m.
  • Guest Speaker: Ms. Wanda Siatecki
This year’s Guest Speaker will talk about the impact of violence against women on friends and family.
  • Refreshments to follow
  • This year, we are collecting new unwrapped toys for children at A Woman’s Place Contributions are welcome!
Hosted by the Manitoba Women’s Advisory Council
(Manitoba Status of Women)
Please RSVP by Monday, December 3

Saturday, December 1, 2012


We are going to be singing at a seniors residence with some music students. We have a very talented group of singers and musicians this year and I am excited to take part in a service project where the girls can share their talents.

The plan is that the violin and cello students will do their performances and that we will lead everyone in a sing-along.

We are also going to sign some holiday cards at our next meeting so we can give them to the residents when we visit.

The girls should be in uniform and it would be wise to have indoor shoes available.