Monday, June 21, 2010

The Canada Cord Award

Congratulations to the three recipients of the Canada Cord from
The 212th Pathfinder Unit.

The girls have worked so hard to earn this award. Congratulations to all of you. You really deserve it.

On Saturday, girls from our unit received their Canada Cord Pin, ribbon and certificate at the Provincial Youth Award Ceremony. It was a nice ceremony with a very nice luncheon following. The girls were ceremoniously piped in and speeches were made. Introductions were followed by each girl receiving their Canada Cord Certificate and a flower while pictures of them over the past three years in Guiding were projected at the back of the stage. The Awards Day also included moving speeches and a few performances by girls.

In three years time we hope to be back watching them receive the Chief Commissoner's Gold Award.

We are so proud of you!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Garage Sale

The Garage Sale was a success! We can't believe the generosity of people in giving us items to sell this weekend. We want to give a special thanks to G's family that hosted us and made their garage available to us. We want to offer our congratulations to G. who worked so hard to pull it all together and in doing this completed her third level Leadership Award.
The sale was a successful fundraiser in support of the trip this summer to GM 2010 camp.

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Blast from the Past

This video is from Girl Guides of Canada, GM2010 site with images from past national camps.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Rainbow Camp

The camp was a weather themed camp and we experienced rain, wind, hail, and sunny weather all before the tents were set up on Friday.

Two girls finished their third year camps and did a fantastic job. We had four Guides join us and they were a great addition to our unit. They completed the experienced camper portion of the Guide program at this camp. We had one new Pathfinder who camped for her very first time and loved it.

The Pathfinders went exploring "New Paths" both as day hikes and night hikes. A major part of this camp was exploring different outdoor cooking methods, checking out tent performance and getting basic camping skills perfected. We participated in a variety of activities with the area camp form some crafts and wide games to a larger campfire and sing along. In the morning the girls recieved a huge number of pins, badges and awards. Congratulations to all of the girls!

E and J both completed the third year Camping Award at this camp. They both did an outstanding job and we are very proud of them.