Friday, May 28, 2010

We need pictures

Youth Awards Day: June 19, 2010 2-4 pm

Don't forget we need a couple of pictures of girls who will be receiving their Canada Cord this year. It needs to be in Monday along with the forms!!

This is a very special event recognizing the achievement of Pathfinders and Rangers in our province.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Group Advancements

Wednesday evening was our Year End Advancement for the Members of Girl Guides who meet in our location.

The Pathfinders looked in some older Guide handbooks and were interested in how advancements were done in the past. They proposed that we do a multi-level advancement this year. One of the Pathfinders took on the job of coordinating the event as her third level event planner challenge.

The last year Sparks advanced into Brownies. The last year Brownies joined with the Guides and a few Guides advanced to Pathfinders.

When the Pathfinders were first enrolled they all lit candles from a single pillar candle. At the advancement the three third year Pathfinders each took an individual candle and together re-lit that same pillar candle. It was really lovely. They are considering becoming Rangers in the fall.

We set up the basement to look like an enchanted forest.. well... there were a few decorative trees mixed with a few artificial Christmas Trees but we have imaginations. The Brownies were kind enough to provide the refreshments.

Guider Alicia received her Pathfinder Leader enrollment pin. We all need to practice saying the new promise. We tried to recite it as a group and it was a bit tricky switching to the new wording.


I Promise to do my best,
To be true to myself, my beliefs and Canada
I will take action for a better world
And respect the Guiding Law

Lastly we were happy to give Guider Leslie and Guider Tracey each a bouquet of flowers and a card to thank them for their service as District Commissoners over the last 5 years.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day Tea

Our tea was a success!

We didn't have huge crowds, but everyone who came seemed to enjoy relaxing, having treats, and enjoying each other's company. The shopping was pretty good too! The Girls and Leaders had a great time also.

We want to thank all the people that contributed their time and skills toward making this tea successful. It was a lot of work, but with so much wonderful support it was a very worthwhile experience.

One girl stated to her mother "I'm so proud of us!!". Girls, we are proud of you too!